After Joyce Parkins joined the group of volunteers from Carillon, which included Judy Wido and myself, I started thinking about whether I could ask others. I contacted the CAMA office, who agreed to send something out via an email blast if I would draft it. That email blast went out - minus the YH4L logo - on October 16th. Within a couple of hours, I was receiving phone calls from Carillon women who were interested in learning more and possibly volunteering. I think they really liked that I offered to drive them to training and the screenings. So, on Wednesday, October 18th, I drove 4 others (Joanne Carrara, Glynis Weigel, Ellie Barich and Jaki McGrath) to training and then instructed them on how to provide an ECG. On our way home, we decided to wear blue shirts for the next day's screening to stand out from the school volunteers who wear white, the technicians that wear red, and the team leaders who wear white lab coats. The idea of "Carillon Cares" was born. Other C...